Special Interest Groups (SIGs)
Mensa has always encouraged members to congregate around their special interests. Official recognition of Mensa’s special interest groups began on Sept. 13, 1965, when the first two SIGs were recognized: The Gifted Children Study Group and the Mensa Investment Club. SIG growth exploded, from 23 to 106, during 1976 under the leadership of Groups Officer Virginia Hourigan. The program expanded almost tenfold from 1975 to 1977 and reached a record 248 groups in 1980. The organization’s formal SIGs policy was adopted in 1984.
In recent years the total number of active SIGs has varied between 130 and 160. The SIGs program has evolved along with the Internet, now including many free online discussion groups. Many SIGs still offer a mailed newsletter and collect a small fee to help defray mailing costs. Some SIGs are open to non-Mensans, and many SIGs actively recruit Mensans internationally.
Find a SIG that shares your interests:
– indicates a SIG that accepts international members
Active Ms
If you’re a Mensan who loves sports, hiking, snowboarding, rafting, skating, running, biking, skydiving, you get the idea… This is the SIG for you! Join Active Ms to share ideas and experiences, and plan more active events for gatherings and local groups.
For trained mediators, arbitrators, practitioners of other forms of alternative dispute resolution, and other Mensa members interested in the field. The ADR SIG “meets” on a Yahoo group for the exchange of ideas regarding best practices, professional development, practice-building, etc., as well as how ADR can be used in Mensa. SIG members who wish to do so may make themselves available pro bono to the National Ombudsman, local group ombudsmen, and RVCs to help settle disputes within Mensa.
Alpinist, Rock Climbing, and Mountaineering SIG
This SIG is for Mensa members active in these particular sports to meet other members for trips and discussions as well as have an online discussion. It would be open to all Mensa members as well as outdoor professionals. It would not be open to the general public so as to provide a filter and give people more confidence in joining people they meet to go on trips. The online discussion is a FaceBook page.
An online, Facebook-based group for mensans who fall outside of what is considered “normal” society: goth, punk, gypsy, steampunk, etc. You don’t have to fit into any particular subgenre(s) to be a member; everyone is welcome.
Amateur Radio (hamSIG)
A gathering place for all ham operators who are members of any national Mensa – call signs will be verified at qrz.com – Membership number will be required.
Answers to Everything
Our mission is to bring together the ideas and perspectives of Ms from around the country to construct a single, comprehensive, and non-partisan agenda comprising solutions to all the political, economic, and social problems facing America today. Participation is by an email list in Yahoogroups, and is free to all Ms.
Join this Poker SIG if you would like to discuss anything about poker. Discuss hand strategy, confess your favorite hand to play, vent your bad beats, or brag about your good reads.
Our mission is to promote the understanding of world cultures and their traditions.
Anything Goes M-2-M Discussion
When we say anything goes, we do mean anything. This Mensa-only web based discussion board covers a huge range of topics. With discussion forums from general, family-friendly topics to separate areas for confrontational and adult issues, M-2-M has something for every M.
Art Lovers
Art Lovers SIG is a community of Mensans who love art. Open to fine artists as well as supporters of the arts, Art Lovers SIG offers the opportunity to network with investors in fine art, as well as emerging and established artists.
This online group is open to all persons diagnosed with Asperger Syndrome, Autism, or other developmental disorders of similar nature. We also welcome anyone with any contact with such individuals (aspies or auties, as we call ourselves), or anyone who has questions or wants to learn more about us. We are a very supportive group of adult aspies and parents of aspies (mostly) who share our problems, goals, idiosyncrasies, and successes with each other, and ask for help and suggestions as needed. There is often lively discussion about ideas, especially as they pertain to Autism in general, as well as other topics of interest to us.
All aspects of astronomy/astrophysics from amateur observing (you can do real research) to theory and current topics in professional astronomy are covered in this free Web-and-email-based SIG.
If you have your feet on the ground and your heart in the air, join Mensans worldwide for online discussion about all aspects of aviation. From professional pilots to those who just enjoy the ride — everyone is welcome!
For lovers and enthusiasts of the Bard of Stratford-Upon-Avon. Whether your interest in William Shakespeare is mere curiosity or fierce passion, Bardolatry is for you. Join us for a lively exchange of ideas on Shakespearean literature, performance, authorship, questions, and various other topics that have educated and entertained us for more than 400 years.
The Beer SIG is a free Yahoo group for both Mensans and prospective members to discuss beer and brewing. Besides sharing info about beers and pubs found both at home and on the road, we might arrange the occasional “SIG meeting” whenever any of us is traveling, especially for RGs and AGs.
Bird Brains for Buffett
Intellectuals for Buffett! Special interest group for M’s who have a special interest in Jimmy Buffett’s music and lifestyle! This is a LOW volume group! You will not be inundated with emails or traffic. Since we are so spread out it’s really for sharing your experiences!
Bitcoin SIG
Bitcoin is the world’s first global, distributed, decentralized digital money. The Bitcoin protocol uses public-key cryptography to secure one’s ownership of bitcoins and allow them to be transferred instantly and securely between any two people in the world without the need for an intermediary such as a bank. Unlike traditional currencies such as dollars, bitcoins are issued and managed without any central authority whatsoever. There is no financial institution, government, or company operating Bitcoin. There is no single Internet server that could be shut down in order to turn off Bitcoin. It exists as an application running on your computer which communicates with other Bitcoin users over the Internet. This “mesh” is called a peer-to-peer network, and this design makes it effectively indestructible as long as the Internet continues to function.
BLAMs (Blazingly Lightly Armed Mensans)
A non-political SIG for firearms enthusiasts.
Board Game SIG
The Board Game SIG is a place for Mensa members to talk about board games, and for members to meet others who love to play board games.
Burning Man
For all Ms interested in the annual Burning Man event. Pool our collective creative resources for our SIG and Theme Camp; enjoy our own community in Black Rock City, Nevada. Life’s too short to miss the Burning Man experience.
Caregivers Forum
I have been a caregiver for a paralyzed wife for three years. I would like to share my caregiving experiences and learn what other Mensans have done.
Chess M
Play chess with other Mensans in a community on chess.com. Chess skills not required! Play many games at once on your PC, smartphone or tablet, in individual matches, team matches and tournaments, and participate in chess-related discussions in the forum. A live chess event at the American AG is a strong potential. To join, register a free account on chess.com, go to http://www.chess.com/groups/home/chess-m-sig, click the big orange button that says “Join Group,” and send the Admin a message with your real name. This SIG is open to Mensans and ex-Mensans, internationally.
ChildFree M’s
Group for childfree adults, who are childfree by choice, not circumstance. Adoptive birthmothers, surrogate gestational carriers, abortion participants and genetic donors who are otherwise childfree are welcome. List topics are *not* restricted to Mensa and childfree issues. Whatever your reasons for being childfree, from worries about overpopulation to preferring adult company, you will find a refuge here!
Chocolate M
We explore the world of chocolate in cooking and eating, in literature, in history, and in any other way we can. NL, electronic only.
Classical Music
Is your love for classical music inextinguishable? Do you think the 4-H Club is the Händel, Haydn, Holst and Honegger Society? Does your car horn play the fanfares from Janácek’s Sinfonietta? Bravo! Let’s discuss music, composers, performers, concerts, recordings, etc. Maestro newsletter, 6 – 10 editions per year: Free annual SIG dues for electronic version. Print version discontinued.
For socializing with and encouraging fellow clergy of all faiths and maybe offering a shoulder to cry on. We won’t necessarily debate theology, but will instead discuss topics unique to our calling, including those life-in-the-parsonage stories no one else would believe.
Club Med SIG
Vacation with fun, athletic Mensans. Meet prospective Mensans from around the world. The Club Med SIG is for physically active Mensans who like to sail, windsurf, kayak, or waterski (or who want to learn), in the company of like-minded Mensans. This SIG is especially suited to single Mensans and to Mensans who can’t wait for their spouse to take them on vacation. Membership is free. Join us in Ixtapa February 8-15, 2014.
A discussion list for those who appreciate intellectual comedy, and perhaps some not-so-intellectual comedy. Post and discuss poetry, songs, books, short stories, improv, stand-up routines, etc. Discuss movies, television, news, comedians, anything that you find amusing, even each other.
Con AtteMdees
This is an open Mensa SIG for fans of Science Fiction / Fantasy / Horror conventions. Ever need someone to split a room rate? A ride across town? A friendly face in the crowd? This group is intended to recognize and make use of overlapping interests in order to enhance the convention experience for all.
Debate Room SIG
Enjoyed Debate Room at an AG or RG? Want one for your own gathering or local calendar? Could you become a moderator? Join us to learn how. Not a debate room itself, we equip RG/Calendar tracks/events to foster edifying discussions on divisive topics.
Depression Support Group
Bright_&_Blue is a mutual support group for Mensans who are living with depression or whose lives depression touches. We discuss how depression affects our lives, and what we are doing to help ourselves. B&B is also a place to discuss the research and theory of all related conditions.
A web based SIG for people interested in graphic design (print design, digital art, Photoshop, etc) and web design (html, css, php, etc). Members are encouraged to show their work, share tips and tutorials, and discuss all aspects of design on the forums.
For people with diabetes, their families and friends. We share diabetes news and the latest research along with personal experiences and support. Quarterly NL $6/yr hard copy, sample issue $1. E-subscription and e-samples, free.
eieio (Electricians/Inspectors/Engineers/Interested Others)
Power, lighting, and communications systems installers, designers, and inspectors, and interested others. The Flexible Conduit, our newsletter, runs member letters and articles on safety, design, codes, business, and technology, plus humor, conundra, reviews, and personal matter. We’ve been transnational since we began in 1983. Find information on joining at: www.davidelishapiro.com/SIG.
Electronic Music
From Eno to Squarepusher and from Reason to ProTools, this group is for those who listen to electronic music and those who create it. All topics are encouraged: song IDs, nostalgia, DJs, artists, video game music, music production technique and critique, collaboration, meeting up for live events, music in film, etc. Electronic only. Members only. No dues.
Info and contacts for Esperanto, the easy-to-learn worldwide language of peace, friendship, and hope, with millions of speakers and thousands of clubs in over a hundred countries all over the world. Unlike national languages, Esperanto is politically neutral, has relatively few rules of grammar, and no exceptions. Released in 1887 as a result of deliberate planning, it’s developed a living culture, like other natural languages, and a thriving literature, both original and translated from many sources.
Studies ways to use knowledge of human genetics and population in a democratic society. Using hypothetical populations to practice solving problems. U.S. dues $6. LSASE for info.
Evangelical Christianity
On the Evangelical Christianity SIG, Evangelical Christian theology and the implications of Evangelical Christianity on culture, science, and all areas of life and knowledge are discussed. Most member interactions are through the online SIG Forum.
Exceptionally Gifted SIG
The purposes of EPGS are several: 1. To provide a “meeting place” for members to share and explore experiences, ideas and concerns that are considered as somewhat unique to the Exceptionally & Profoundly Gifted; 2. To find ways to support programs and research for Exceptionally & Profoundly Gifted children and youth; 3. To develop plans and activities that are supportive of intelligence research for the Exceptionally and Profoundly Gifted.
Free Staters SIG
This is a Mensans and friends of Mensans online special interest group (SIG) created to discuss volunteerism, activities, and other issues pertinent to the Free State Project (www.FreeStateProject.org). If you are interested in learning about or participating in the Free State Project, please join us!
Freed-M: Intelligent Liberty
Mensans tend to be a refreshingly and disproportionately independent, free-thinking, (lower-case) libertarian-leaning bunch. This group is intended as a relatively nonpartisan forum for the intelligent, reasoned discussion of liberty-related issues, and how to pursue an environment of philosophically honest and consistent, practical limited government (or better!), individual liberty and personal responsibility.
Friends of Bill W.
This group was set up for members of American Mensa to discuss topics related to alcoholism, addiction, and recovery.
Log on to let other gardeners know how your garden grows, view photos of gardens and ask questions! All levels of gardeners are welcome.
Gay/Lesbian SIG
All Mensans welcome. Contact us for information about membership, dues, online group, and AG activities and hospitality.
Gen Y
If you were born between ’76 and ’95 and are a member of Mensa, you’re a member of GenY. Congratulations! We offer a landing pad for new members to adjust to the M-environment among peers, a launching pad to explore the rest of Mensa, and a safe place in case things get a little too crazy.
Gen-M BoomPlus SIG
Gen-M Boom Plus SIG Open to Mensans worldwide born in 1964 or earlier, Baby Boomers and older. We were one of the most dynamic generations ever, we brought about enormous change. We’re still a vibrant force, both in Mensa and in the world. Come join us to share both memories and current day experiences.
Genealogy (GeneSIG)
Open to Mensans worldwide – membership number required – anyone who is interested in tracing his/her ancestral roots. I ran GeneSIG (1988-1991). I now have a Yahoo! Group. If you were a member then, or are interested in joining as a newcomer, it will be good to welcome you into our growing SIG.
GenX M’s
For Gen Xers who watched as video killed the radio star, and all we could do is stand by and mutter “I want my MTV!” In hopes of finding that we have more in common than just our 2%, we welcome all Mensans born from January 1961 to December 1981. This is a group of GenX Ms, by GenX Ms, and for GenX Ms. Yahoo group page: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/GenX-Ms/
Geocaching Ms
Geocaching is a real-world, outdoor treasure hunting game using GPS-enabled devices and other navigational techniques to hide and seek containers, called “geocaches” or “caches”, anywhere in the world. Meet Mensa members all over the world who like to Geocache. Discuss clever finds, solve puzzle caches, arrange Geocaching trips from gatherings and events, and more!
Global Risk Reduction
Objective: Reduce negative existential risk (risk of human extinction) and facilitate things with greater absolute-value positive expected value (probability times value) in quality-adjusted life years (QALYs). For example, there is enough material in the asteroid belt to build habitats for trillions of people. For both directions, Google “technological singularity”.
Grammar Police
Preserve and observe American English usage, past, present, and future! Compare to other forms of English as well as other languages. Bring dictionaries and style books, although they won’t have the final word. No dues, no NL.
Year turning earthrock, Experience brushing stone. Haiku poet’s mark. NL Pebbles (6/yr), $7 North America, $12 elsewhere. Sample $.50 plus 1st-class postage (1 oz).
Hell’s M’s
The party SIG has a simple credo: A HELL’s M’s party is any party, large or small, where everyone participating in or affected by the party has good memories after the party is over. The SIG has a Yahoo! group, a website, a newsletter, and a presence at many RGs. We’re the party people! $23 for membership and a t-shirt (to XL) $8 renewals. For info $1 and LSASE (two stamps).
Hi-Q Whovians America
This SIG is for American M’s who are fans (“Whovians”) of the long running British Sci-Fi television show, Doctor Who. Join us for vibrant discussion about the Doctor, his companions, and their 50+ years of adventures.
Holmesian Studies
We are interested in Sherlock Holmes — in books, movies, TV series. We have been recognized as a scion of the Baker Steet Irregulars.
Homeschooling Mensans
This SIG is open to Mensans who homeschool their own gifted children, or anyone interested in homeschooling gifted children. This list is the discussion group. We advocate no particular method, and promote no religious viewpoint. All are welcome.
An online, Facebook-based group focused on bringing together equestrian enthusiasts of all ages. Whether you breed, train, show, ride, or just love horses, you’ll find friends at HorseSIG. You don’t have to have a horse to join; everyone welcome.
Human Genome Research
Human Genome Research has made some tremendous advances in the past decade, and those numbers are expanding exponentially. Tremendous potential exists for truly great impact on medical science and medical treatment. The National Institute for Health [NIH] is conducting numerous human genome research studies related to a growing list of current medical maladies. Human Genome Research SIG intends to track these studies, keep members informed in case they want to participate, post articles related to human genome advances on our website, etc. We welcome any Mensa Member that has interest in these matters.
This SIG is for people who likes to talk, read and write about intelligence; Especially neglected intelligences who grew up without the recognition of being gifted, but any angle of the subject intelligence can be discussed.
Investment & Speculation
LISTSERV format (electronic only; no cost to join). Share info on investments, mainly stocks, funds, real estate, precious metals, collectibles, etc.
IQ (Intelligent Quilters)
A quilt guild for M’s. All skill levels welcome. Six NLs per year include new techniques, challenges, book reviews and more. $8/yr, 2 yrs $16.
Isolated M
Thirty-eight years of friendly wit and gentle wisdom. Columns include letters from members, diabolical trivia, travel, recipes, and our famous auction. Recipe for enjoyment: Sprinkle with (yikes) feghoots and marinate with laughter. Sample $1, subscriptions for Mensans $9 in U.S.; $15 outside U.S. for 10 issues/yr, please send checks made to Isolated M/American Mensa.
A group for all things karaoke but just for M’s! This is a LOW volume group! You will not be inundated with emails or traffic. Since we are so spread out it’s really for sharing your experiences! https://www.karaokeacrossamerica.com/
An online SIG to connect Mensa knitters, crocheters, and other yarn/fiber lovers. This is a place to share pictures, patterns, tips, to ask questions or just chat.
L’ChaiM is the SIG for Jewish Mensans who want to communicate with other Jewish Mensans. No dues and no newsletter; all communications will be through the Yahoo! Group or by meetings at gatherings (primarily the AG).
Email lists about London and Mensa events in and around London.
M for Mental Health
M for Mental Health is open solely to members of Mensa. This group is designed to be an area for support for those with mental health considerations as well as a place for discussion with regard to the promotion of mental health issues and provision.
M Parents of Babies (M-PoB)
This group is for Mensa mommies and daddies of babies (defined as younger than 24 months). This group is intended to be a place where you can trade stories, get or give advice, or just commiserate with other M parents. This group is currently Facebook-only.
M’uscle – Weight Training SIG
Group that shares information on weight training, strength training, bodybuilding, and nutrition. Electronic newsletter: $5 (4/yr). Sample free.
This SIG is for practicing Roman Catholic Mensans who are joyfully in union with the Magisterium and who wish to share their gifts at the altar stone (also called “mensa”) to help each other to grow in holiness. Bring discussion of everything from Apologetics to the Vulgate–or just the everyday things of your journey towards Eternal Life. Those who are registered in an RCIA program are also welcome to become members. Over time our outreach is developing to include prominent speakers on issues of interest to all in Mensa.
An international web-based SIG aiming to foster communication among Mensa members of Asian origin. The goal is to exchange ideas on any topic (Sciences, Humanities, etc), in a friendly manner.
This e-SIG is for members of Mensa who freely admit to being atheists and wish to share their ideas and experiences with other Mensan atheists. Which happened first – you knew you were smart, or you knew you didn’t believe in godstuff? How do you deal with friends and family who are believers? Do you feel better now about admitting you’re an atheist? Are we ready for major social change?
Do you like to bead? Do you make jewelry with beads, wire, or other materials? M-Beaders is a place for those of us who make jewelry to share ideas, tips, resources, encouragement, pictures of our projects, to ask and answer questions, etc.
Whether your specialty is crème brulee or boiling water, join other Mensans in discussion of one of our favorite topics — food and drink! Share recipes, learn new techniques, recommend favorite restaurants, and learn about nutrition. Get tips on making delicious dishes for yourself, family, or a roomful of guests. No dues.
A cozy, positive, on-line gathering place for lovers of good coffee, good conversation, good friends, or any combination of the above.
M-Health Care
An international e-SIG aiming to foster communication among Mensa members who are health care professionals or providers. Membership is open to Mensa members of any origin willing to exchange ideas on any topic related to health care, in a friendly way.
M-Investment Club
Founded September 13, 1965, the M-Investment Club is Mensa’s oldest surviving special interest group. Its purpose is to discuss and educate in all matters of investing.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints believes we should fully use talents and abilities we are given (see D&C 93:36). Willing to share experiences of being LDS and Mensan? Want to introduce Mensa friends to the church – or church friends to Mensa? Discussion welcome, bashing prohibited.
A group for those who enjoy reading – fiction, non-fiction, romance, action, fantasy, sci-fi, whatever! This group is designed to be international – so all members of Mensa are welcome.
People who ride or who are interested in motorcycles and motorcycling. Discussions of motorcycle travel, riding tips, equipment, safety courses, motorcyclist rights, legislation and motorcycling in different countries. Off-road bikes, sidecars and trikes welcome. Email discussion list, forum, web site, and online photo album.
M-Show Business
M Show Business is a SIG designed to bring together in one group the most “intelligent” members of the Film and Television Production communities. Through a Yahoo group, members can seek and offer advice or guidance with regard to employment and career issues, as well as share experiences that will benefit other members. If you are in the business, whether in front of the camera, behind the camera, executive, above the line, below the line, established or breaking in, the purpose of this group is to unite the “top 2%” of us for the benefit of all. Discretion assured.
An online discussion group for individuals interested in improving their quality of life while healing and preserving the planet for future generations. Find alternatives to consumerism, ways to reduce your dependence on mainstream economics, happiness with fewer purchases, and other ways to live lightly on the earth. No dues.
M-Spanish is an international SIG for members of Mensa. The goal is to exchange ideas on any topic, in a friendly manner, by using the Spanish language.
Success takes a lot more than high IQ. Discuss goals, dreams, methods, tips, and more. Define success any way you wish: career, financial, physical, writing, personal, family, love, or just general quality of life. Learn how to develop the skills that, coupled with your intelligence, will make your dreams come true!
MagicSIG is a fee-free Special Interest Group geared to Mensans interested in the art of performance magic. MagicSIG caters to professional performers, hobbyists, beginners, magic collectors, historians, mathematicians, and non-performing magic enthusiasts. On the MagicSIG message board, members can discuss a variety of topics 24/7.
Make the connection
Make the Connection invites those not in committed full time relationships to post profiles, photos, and personal news. Discussion via email encompasses diverse circumstances, focusing especially on life as a single person. Whether looking, grieving, or satisfied to be solitary, we have in common the necessity of managing life alone.
Many Conspiracies
Many Conspiracies SIG (MC-SIG) offers a deeper look into conspiracy theories, to elicit the facts. The Many Conspiraces SIG Newsletter is electronically published four times a year. There are no dues. We offer a Facebook page; Many Conspiracies Special Interest Group.
Martial Arts
The Martial Arts SIG provides a forum for the intelligent discussion of martial arts and provides networking opportunities for Mensans interested in martial arts. Practitioners, competitors, and enthusiasts of all styles are welcome. Please be prepared to provide your name, Mensa number, state of residence [or country of residence if not the U.S.A.], and name the martial art or martial arts that interest/s you.
Everything we experience or do is filtered through our minds; our understanding of and relationship with all reality is a reflection of the way we think. Acknowledging this, we will network to explore our thinking in order to improve our awareness of its impact on our lives.
Military History
Want to get a better understanding of military history and affairs? Thi sis the SIG for you! Quarterly NL $10 per year, sample printed issues $6.25.
“We do not fear our future, we shape it.” President Obama’s words can be true only with the full support of people who care about changing the world for the better. This e-SIG is for members (and friends) of MENSA who freely admit to being supporters of the goals of the Obama administration. Please share your ideas and experiences with other Obama supporters.
A SIG for those who would like to explore ways to create tangible returns for the membership. Not limited to but focusing on financial gains that can be used to benefit the membership at large. Everything from banking and credit unions to investing and business opportunities. No idea is to small!!
Everybody loves classic American cars. They set the scene in media. They draw attention in parades and on stage. They represent ascendant America’s glory days of mechanical competence, regulatory freedom, and unrestrained stylistic expression. Their history has far-reaching relevance to cultural and social life. Our goal is to share knowledge and present it so that all might be interested, for FREE!
Mystery Book Swap
NL (4/yr), send $1.00 and SASE for sample NL and info. Each member sends and receives two paperback mystery books each month.
Interested in Naturism? Most of us have been taught that we ‘need’ clothing at all times, not just for protection from the elements. Here you can enjoy/discover the sense of freedom associated with Social Nudism. We have a Yahoo mailing list. Everything is free. The goals of the SIG are to exchange information about modern Naturism and our personal experiences, to encourage and facilitate members to meet privately or at public naturist facilities, and to foster mature attitudes towards our bodies and body self-acceptance.
Needles and Threads
Needles and Threads is a group for all who have interests in needle crafts. We encourage members to participate in discussions on techniques, supplies, works in progress and completed projects. If you are just starting out or have been crafting for years, this is the place for you.
NTN Trivia
Free Yahoo group. NTN = National Trivia Network, the TV trivia with the little wireless consoles seen in bars. Besides discussing recent games (and CQ), we meet up when traveling. Our biggest “SIG meeting” is to play Showdown on the Tu evening before the US AG each year.
Old-Time Detection
Charlie Chan, Jane Marple, Hercule Poirot, Ellery Queen, Peter Wimsey, Nero Wolfe — those are just some of the stars from the Golden Age of detective fiction. This SIG celebrates such detectives and their methods, explores the history of the genre, and studies individual stories, characters, and authors. 32-page NL _Give Me That Old-Time Detection_ (3 issues/yr) $10 Mensans, $15 others. (If overseas, add $15 per year.) Sample $5
Organized in 1982 to offer a “safe haven” for discussion of all things having to do with psychic senses and the paranormal, our goal is to share in the investigation and use of our “sixth sense” and to understand, develop and refine our psychic potential. Now in our 31st year with approximately 500 members worldwide, we offer a periodic retreat as well as our e-mail/web site forum.
Patrick O’Brian SIG
Discussion of the writings of Patrick O’Brian, author of “The Best Historical Fiction Ever Written” per N.Y. Times Review of Books. Email susanwenger@yahoo.com
Philately SIG
Our mission is to promote the joy of stamp collecting and other philatelic arts, such as creating commemorative pictorial cancellations as souvenirs of Mensa AGs, and coordinating with the US Postal Service to frank letters and postcards with the Mensa cancellations during AGs.
Postcard Pals
Are you interested in meeting Mensans throughout the world? If so, the Postcard Pals SIG is for you. Most contact is by postcard through a pen pal type relationship but we also have informal gathering around the world, meet other members if they are traveling through our neck of the woods and have a Facebook Group to keep each other up to date with last minute updates.
Preparation M – The Preparedness SIG
Mensans & Friends using their intelligence to prepare for the possibilities of both short term and long term man-made and natural disasters (TEOTWAWKI) while maintaining their sanity and solvency. “Our primary focus is rediscovering the lost art of self reliance.”
Problem Solvers
A “think tank”, so that we can put our Mensa heads together to try to find solutions to the world’s problems, and then do humanitarian outreach to implement them. Choose your topic, your state, your country, or your continent, or be a generalist. We can do it!!!
Reel Thinkers
For those love any kind of film – classics, current, adventure, romance, science fiction, documentary, music video, silent film, comedy, foreign, independent, musical. If it’s on film, we’ll discuss it!
Role-Playing Games
RPGSIG exists to provide a forum for discussion of role-playing games of all genres. We primarily focus on tabletop games played face-to-face or via mail/email, but we also welcome Live Action Role-Play (LARP), Computer RPGs, and MUDs.
RV and Camping
A comprehensive online community for RVers, tent campers, and other enthusiasts of outdoor recreational excursions, with messages posted about all aspects of the lifestyle.
Science Fiction & Fantasy
InterdiMENSionAl Journal $10 for 8 issues, (overseas $16), sample $2 (no SASE). The SIG has been in operation since 1976 and brings original literature and artwork, humor, reviews of movies, books, and TV, and discussions for the sci-fi/fantasy fan.
Scrabble® By Mail
For Scrabble (R) players of all abilities. Occasional newletters. The SIG uses donation-only for its expenses. Games for SIG members only.
For SCUBA divers and snorkelers. Occasional SIG gathering in Caribbean (Cozumel December 2014).
Second Amendment
Monthly NL, The Armed M, $7 U.S., $10 foreign, free by email. Issues relating to the right to keep and bear arms.
A web based SIG for professionals, amateurs, or those just interested in photography. Members are encouraged to share their work and discuss all aspects of photography on the forums.
siMpsons (R)
A forum for fans of the lovable yellow family from Springfield, ……. U.S.A. Topics: Homer-isms, Marge, Bart, Lisa, Maggie, Ned, Moe, episodes, The Movie, and whoever and whatever else that is Simpsons(R) related. The Simpsons is the longest running TV sitcom in prime time and the longest-running animated series. Ever.
No dues. No NL. Just snow skiing. Annual Ski SIG Gathering in Rockies or Sierras in February/March.
SmartUp SIG
An online, forum-based group for Mensa members who are currently involved with or planning a startup business. Focus is on web-based or app-based businesses, but much of the discussions are applicable for startups of all types. Ask or answer questions related to either common or uncommon startup issues, such as marketing, employees, financing, technology and more. Help foster and build a network of intelligent entrepreneurs.
Space Exploration & Education
For those interested in Space Exploration & advocacy. Share info, plan trips, attend Space Conventions and Sally Ride Festivals, hold Yuri’s night parties, etc… and get involved in other events in your own area. Possible outreach tables at various Conventions. Future Newsletter a possibility. Friends of Mensans & Mensa Gifted Children also welcome. Membership, free.
Space Vanguard
This SIG is for smart, adventurous, libertarian people who want to contribute new ideas and technologies so that we can build sustainable villages here to enjoy happier and easier lives and to eventually pioneer profitable colonies on new planets. Free membership to all sentient beings at: http://spacevanguard.blogspot.com/
Starving the Monkeys SIG
This is a private Mensans and friends of Mensans special interest group, spawned by reaction to Tom Baugh’s book, “Starving the Monkeys”, for people interested in meeting to brainstorm from the book concepts to implement their own practical projects, and then report here on their progress. This group is NOT for debaters – it is a group practicum for self-sufficiency projects. Please join with the understanding you will come to meetings to work your ideas, and forum discussion will focus on related, practical topics. Debating the principles of liberty or Libertarianism is covered by other forums. This is not a place for “Monkeys”. However, monkeys working toward being “men” are very welcome. We’re aware that process can take years. The book is required reading for meetings and forum participation. Please email the SIG owner for one of the limited copies if you can’t find a library copy and don’t wish to buy one.
SWIG (winemakers)
One of the oldest SIGs, established 1976. We do more than just homemade wine. We also make beer, mead, hard cider, braggot, and other fermentables. Exchange ideas, recipes and advice. Dues: $10/yr in US, $19 elsewhere for 6 issues. Make checks payable to coordinator. Info SASE, sample — four first-class stamps (no SASE).
Tech Careers SIG
This SIG is for anyone who is in a technical/information systems career or anyone who is interested in pursuing such a career. Discussions between Mensa members on education, certification, resumes, salaries, trends and more.
TeenSIG is a by teens, for teens group for Mensans ages 13 – 18; we have fun and make friends in an intellectual environment. TeenSIG lets this generation of Mensans bond and meet other teens of their mental caliber. No dues.
The M Cycling Club
A SIG for all Mensa cyclists. Whether you are a hardened century rider or a weekend warrior, a triathlete in training or a downhill daredevil please join us for discussions about equipment, events, nutrition and more.
The M Running Club
The M Running Club is a Facebook only group and has three goals. To provide a place for Mensans to share running experiences. Provide a meeting place to race plans. (Times, Dates, Cities, Destination Races, etc.) And, get a group discount on cool Mensa Logo’ed Technical Shirts.
Newsletter “Beyond Bree”: in paper format $17 per year (12 issues), $22 foreign; electronic format $10 per year. To pay by PayPal: send payment to beyondbree@yahoo.com. Add 50 cents (foreign $1.00) for the PayPal fee. To pay by mail: make check or money order (in US $ drawn on a US bank) payable to Nancy Martsch, PO Box 55372, Sherman Oaks, CA 91413, USA.
TREKisM, the Star Trek SIG for Mensa, is back! Originally begun in April 1977, TREKisM became inactive in 1991, and despite the best of intentions has remained in limbo far too long. But now the original coordinator is back at the helm, Star Trek is still as popular as ever (a 12th film is in the works), and on September 8th fans celebrate the 47th anniversary of the series’ premiere. Our first step is to finish newsletter #69, a quarterly digest-size 32-page issue. The anthologies will continue with TREKisM at Length X and XI. The mailing list is being updated, but we’ve already located 45 subscribers. Eventually we will be online, but for now we’ll be using snail mail. No SASE or $ necessary for now, but stamp donations are appreciated. Please have patience as we build a staff so that more hands will make more progress. Contact Vel Jaeger at 1324 Stratford Drive, Clearwater, FL 33756
Are you working in a convenience store despite having multiple degrees? Have you an IQ in the ionosphere but no high school diploma? We are a discussion and support group for under- and other-achievers. You will find a sympathetic ear here.
Venomous reptiles are a misunderstood and under-rated (and in some cases over-rated) feature of nature. We would like to share the importance of the ecological, historical, and spiritual influence these animals have. Captive care is an important contribution to this objective.
Volunteer Program
MVP – M’s Volunteer Program. A politically neutral group for Mensans to share their ideas, experience and information about volunteering. A place to leverage our collective minds and contacts to assist those in need, be it in your community, state or anywhere in the nation.
Warcraft Mpire
For Mensans who play World of Warcraft and their families. We consist of a WoW Guild on the Drak Thar’on server (Warcraft Mpire) and will build a SIG/Guild website in the future. Onward to Azeroth!
Involved in creating World Wide Web sites? Interested in sharing your ideas? Want to get your local group, SIG, or RG on the Web? WebHeads is for you!
Windward Community
Interested in renewable energy, sustainability and cooperative living? Yearn for a life that’s more grounded, more in touch with nature? Want to live where the future and the past intertwine, and enjoy the best of both? Ever want the RG to never end? Imagine the possibilities inherent in a full-time community of Ms, and then come join in the fun 🙂
NL Calliope–A Writer’s Workshop by Mail. Quarterly, 32+ pages. All levels of experience and types of writing welcome. Learn about writing and publish your work–all in one publication. Help, inspiration, and mutual support from fellow writers. Annual contests, genre columns, member letter exchange, free critiques. Membership $16/yr. Four issues. Add $5 outside the US. Sample $4. (US funds only, payable to Writers SIG). Guidelines for SASE